Sunday, February 26, 2012


Every person in their lifetime pursues a goal or aims to achieve a well-rounded balanced lifestyle. I think that should be a main focus in a college career is to take up an instrument, speak fluently in another language or appreciate the arts. Sure, the core requirements you need to graduate entitle an art appreciation class or two years of a language. Honestly, how much of those classes go into part of your well-being and a more worldly person. Really, most people want to get through those classes and/or get around them in order to get to their classes that "matter".
Think about it though. Who gets the job? The nerd with no social skills or problem solving capabilities or the well-rounded, people-person that has a fair amount of life experiences in order to apply them to every day life? I would hire the person who is going to mesh well into my company and has many other skills and interests other than his/her career choice. So the next time you take an art appreciation class or have some free time, take up a dance class or an instrument, and enjoy learning other things that will make you into a well-rounded member of society or a more sharpened instrument for that counter-society.

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