Thursday, February 16, 2012

So like, two nights ago i posted a status update on facebook that said i was in the mood to litsten to some great voices, and this guy that I went to high school told me about this band, Blind Pilot.  So, i listened to a song called Story I Heard.  I listened to it and it was pretty cool. They had like a super mellow feel and sounded super under ground.  The lead singer had a great voice that wasnt edited in any kind of way and it was really raw.  It wasnt the best voice I've ever heard, but it fit the instumentals well and it made it unique and they had a tamborine which is super cool. :) It reminded me of a track you'd hear on the soundtrack of an indie movie about teens who sell drugs or have depressing lives and commit suicide.  Yea it's kind of dark I know but thast the vibe I got.

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