Monday, February 6, 2012

If there is one thing that frrustrates me most, especially living here in Fairbanks, is girls who wear Ugg boots and yoga pants, like everyday and year round.  It kills me eveytime I see a girl wearing them.  Like this morning you couldn't put on a pair of jeans?? Does it take that much effort?? Not really.  And i think that alot of girls do it just to show their asses off, when really, yoga pants just show every dimple and bump. I understand if a girl is having a lazy day and just isn't in the mood to wear jeans, but everyday ladies?? Really?? I feel like at a certain age women and ladies alike need to get out of the boots and yoga pants.  If a grown ass lady doesn't have the decency to put on a pair of jeans than no one will ever take you seriously on the street, and all men will think you are still in high school.

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