Monday, January 30, 2012

Most Annoying

Now I'm not the smartest person in the world and I'm still learning so much about so many things.  However the one thing that annoys me is when people try to talk about cars when they don't know enough about the topic.  Yes, its true I am a car bore.  The type of person that if you sat next to at dinner and you ask me my favorite car I will go on for hours answering your simple question.   For instance the only material I really read are from very credible car reviews.  Now its not the car reviews from from America (Car and Drive) that are so edited I feel like puking whenever I read it.  I read the articles from Europe like Top Gear and Auto Car.  The reviews are written by people who truly love cars not by some guy who just drives up and down the street and then spends two paragraphs talking about the cup holders.  So when I start talking cars and someone is trying to interrupt me telling me I'm wrong on my statistics it truly is what I hate most.  When someone starts to tell me I'm wrong I have a sudden urge to attach them to a milling machine and see if I can make a perfect cube out of their head.  Ok, I take that back I would cube their heads I would much rather just set them on fire with diesel.  I say diesel because that is the devils fuel so setting someone on fire with it sounds appropriate. So my rant is done but on an end note I will say this: If cars are causing global warming please everyone drive more cars, its -50 outside for god sakes.

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