Monday, January 30, 2012


What bothers me the most right now are all the ignorant college kids.  Most college kids have no idea what’s going on around them, and the ones that think they do are even worst off.  Most don’t even know who is running for election right now or who our current speaker of the house is.  Then you have the group of people who think they are making a difference with all their protesting, but they are protesting the wrong things.  College kids go out protesting just to protest sometimes.  Most don’t even understand the occupy Wall Street movement or realize it is just a bunch of lazy people whining that they don’t have what they want.  Then you have the movement to try and get rid of sweet shops in other countries, but what they don’t realize is those “sweet shops” are the easier and higher paying jobs in most countries.  They go there because they want to.  The thing that scares me about this the most is this is Americas next generation and they can already vote.  Sometimes I just feel like we are doomed.  

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